My Love - a raging wildfire
Have you heard of a wildfire ,my darlin',
A wildfire no man can control
The elements cannot change its course
Pouring raindrops only intensifies the force
Groping up like a tempestuous high tide,
it spares no atom of your existence untouched
A wildfire that does not choke a man,
with anything in anticipation, my love;
it neither burns, nor it harms,
but only satiates a soul's flaring desire -
to melt into its missing half
A wildfire in which blooms magnolia trees,
with flowers smelling of your bodily scent,
whose branches are home to chirpy birds
and wild mushrooms of a hundred colors ;
in its shade i lay in deep meditation
while soaking in your unearthly attraction
Attractive poetry blended with Excellent imagination and interpretation.