Saturday, 2 June 2012

Letter to a mommy

Mommy, when you take me there
I am happy, I must say - 
the browny floor and the greeny carpet,
they do really make me gay.
But when I take my careful steps,
hold me not - 
am i moving , or, 
the ground under me ?
I can climb up that hill of a step to your lap,
Trifle me not, mommy, just -
give me time .
And what’s the milky smell, that I -
carry all around? ;
people pick me up, mommy, when –
I want to be on my own.
And, when I cry mommy, do not be torn ,just -
check if my shoes are rightly worn.


  1. nice :-)
    thanks for sharing this beutiful blog

  2. nice way to express you emotion ... new momaaa :)

  3. Heart Touching !! jus loved those lines which rhymes..

  4. I have just had the most exemplary excursion of mother-child relations.

  5. This was lovely!
    Congratulations once again. Good to know you are blogging again.

  6. Thankyou Mr. Mcgranor , thankyou Sukanya :-)

  7. Thanks SecHack, I am sorry I missed to mention you, please visit again
