Friday, 31 January 2020

The Little Buddha Series - 2

The master manipulator

All hell breaks loose when it is Gautham's bathing time

"Acha, Acha, no Acha, why do I bathe everyday Acha ? , stop disturbing me Acha " - Gautham cries at the top of his voice

He runs hither and thither

"Water is cold - i don't want to bathe" , he screams

"No! , it is not, may be we can set it more warmer today" , Achan says

"No!, still I don't want to bathe" , Gautham doesnot relent

<< Achan goes to the bathroom to fill the bucket >>

"Gautham!" , Achan calls again , "Come and feel the temperature for yourself"

Gautham doesnot oblige , still runs around crying

Gautham comes to Amma who is cooking in the kitchen

"Amma, please tell Achan that I don't want to bathe now"

Amma, whose focus is on the simmering Sambhar echoes what she hears

"Acha, Gautham says that he doesnot want to bathe! ", Amma cries out, to be heard

All Achan understands is that his wife is shouting from the kitchen which is not a new thing anymore after 8 years of marriage

"Gautham, what did Amma say ? ", Achan asks

"Amma asks me not to bathe!!!", Gautham answers from under the cot

He is an absolute darling at all other times

Monday, 20 January 2020

Erotica: Let me make you a meal

Two heads of broccoli,
One cup of mushroom,
A few pods of garlic,
And a pinch of salt.
Top it with two dollops of sunshine
And a spoonful of tenderness.
I’ll then throw in a few seeds of love,
While cooking you a meal.
My food will arm your body with protection
And feed your cells with nutrition.
Alongside, my love will travel -
to lay dormant in your blood.
Dormant until the next rains fall.
Rains breathe life into my love -
to fill your arms with hope,
body with warmth , 
and, heart with sunshine. 
My love will then take you towards the sky,
To walk with you on the farthest clouds